
15 December 2020

Breath of God over Living Bones

Received May 2020

Bethesda House

Just like the dry bones in Ezekiel 37 rose up into an army but still had no breath in them, we as the Church are standing, but in need of His breath, power, and fresh anointing. God is calling His prophets to speak to the four winds to come and breathe into His people, that we ALL may move into the fullness our function and gifts. No longer just a shadow of what is possible. Breath of God, come!

We are on the verge of becoming the people that God desires us to be, to show His power, glory, wholeness and completeness. There is a release of God’s presence and authority over us, greater than we have ever known before. If we receive it and align our hearts to Him, we will be empowered by Him. Others will simply be near us and will sense God’s love. Demons will flee from us without us speaking a word.

Receive the breath of God. Receive the Holy Spirit. Receive the oxygenation that comes from the Spirit flowing in you and through you. Holy Spirit, fill us up so that we can be anointed and empowered to rise up as an army.

Ezekiel 37, Genesis 2:7, Job 32:8