
21 August 2022

Fear of the Lord

Received on April 2022


I feel the Lord calling us to look to Him as we learn how to fear God more consistently in our lives. God is calling His people to fear Him every day. Not to fear Him in a religious way that condemns or chases us away. He wants to teach us that fearing Him draws us close.

God wants us to fear Him as a good Father. Like a child that breaks a glass and feels fear to tell his parents, we might fear God in this way. But God is a good Father that hugs us and tells us it will be okay. He will fix it with us and help us. He is not angry with you.

God wants us to fear Him in our great challenges. When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown in the fiery furnace, they still feared God. They said, “But even if God doesn’t save us, we want you to know that we will never serve your gods” (Daniel 3:18). Even if God didn’t come through, they still chose to fear Him.

God wants us to fear Him from a place of relationship. Jesus didn’t obey the Father because it was a task. He showed the people how easy it is to walk with the Father every single day. It wasn’t about feeling guilty if you didn’t pray one day, or read your Bible, or do something that others consider godly. Jesus feared the Father through relationship that loves and empowers us. The standard set by Jesus is not too high for us to reach.

I bless you to fear God, not in a worldly way of fear, but to come to God just the way you are. He wants to teach you how to fear Him and draw you close.

Ps. 25:12-14, Deut 10:12-13