
10 June 2022

Roar of the Lion

Received May 2022⁠⁠⁠

Melanie Weich

I saw a vision of God’s people scattered both in small groups and as isolated individuals over the African plains. Hyenas, representing demonic spirits, had surrounded the people, mocking, intimidating. Some people were in a sleep-like state, oblivious. Others were alert, but in the fetal-position, too stuck in emotional pain to respond.  A few were standing, calling on the name of the Lord.⁠

The hyenas were closing in until Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Rev. 5:5), began to roar in their midst. His roar was multifaceted. It established a boundary that the hyenas could not cross, but He was not focused on the enemy. His roar was to His people. The urgency of His voice declared, “Awake!”⁠

With each roar, hearts that had been hardened to God and hardened towards fellow believers became softer. Each roar brought sensitization to the Truth that was needed for healing. Internal walls of unbelief and disillusionment cracked and crumbled upon personal encounter of Jesus’ power.⁠

⁠I saw many shake themselves free and rise. As they rose to their feet, they became lions as well, who fell into formation behind Jesus as He began to take ground. When He roared this time, they joined in the same roar proclaiming, “No more delay!”(Rev. 10:3-7) and “Prepare the way of the Lord!”(Is. 40:3-11). This unified roar from Africa awakened believers throughout the world to the urgency of the Great Commission (Mark 16:14-18).⁠

⁠Hosea 11:10- They shall walk after the Lord.  He will roar like a lion.  When He roars, then His sons shall come trembling….⁠

⁠I bless you with life-changing encounters with Jesus, the Lion of Judah. I speak healing into your relationship with the Lord and other believers, that you might wholeheartedly follow Him and fulfil your role in the Great Commission.⁠

⁠Africans, be encouraged that your intercession and obedience in this season affects the world!⁠