
27 October 2020

Weaving Hearts Together

Received 4 September 2020

Abrie Bester

God says, “I want to weave hearts together and stitch people together.” He is the thread being weaved between our hearts, drawing us together. His multiple stitches are like His presence going into places of relationship where He can be the bridge that connects us. It is wide and stable, not like a tight-wire act that demands performance and perfection.

I feel God is bringing us back together to give us one heart and not many different hearts focused on many different things. One heart focused on loving each other and loving God.

I am reminded of the church in Acts. “And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.” (Acts 2:45) They were not thinking only of themselves but were outwardly focused on knowing their lives were meant to be in relationship with those around them. It is the Spirit of God that brings people together like that.

In Acts, their well-being was tied together through the stitching of God. They loved each other as family for no greater reason other than their existence held value in God. 1 Corinthians 12:26 says, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” They could no longer distance themselves from others’ suffering, but they were living from a knowledge that they were all a part of God’s family, knitted together in His heart.

Who is God wanting to connect you with in a deeper capacity? Ask Holy Spirit how you can honour, love and connect to others, especially those that think differently from you.

Watercolour by Abrie Bester